Business Award Warning

We’ve breached this topic before, possible business scams. I received an email today from the U.S. Commerce Association informing me that we are being honored with the 2011 Best of Kalamazoo Award. Unfortunately, this “award” and its parent company may not be what they seem.

The Better Business Bureau posted a message on it’s website warning businesses of this company, that is not a government-affiliated agency, and their “award.” Basically, the award has little or no merit and is likely based on nothing more than your actual existence. The hook is that you must purchase the actual award or plaque to display in your office. What you actually receive, if anything … I don’t know.

The U.S. Commerce Association has a rough website. As stated, they are not a government agency. Many of these type of business attempt to cast themselves into legitimacy with official sounding company names and affiliations. It offers very little in the way of background, contacts, affiliations or methodology. The ambiguous nature of their operation is the quickest indication that it’s not on the up-and-up.

I’ve seen this type of operation under several names, but the fundamentals are consistent. They’re willing to say your the “Best of” whatever if you’re willing to buy the hardware. You can save yourself the hassle by going down to your local trophy shop and loading up on all the plaques, certificates, honors and awards you can handle.

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